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Wednesday, July 22, 2020
AstaaraCyber is more than marine insurance

When it comes to the maritime industry, policyholders have learnt the hard way that policies have cyber exclusions, cyber buybacks have exclusions and even war risk policies have exclusions for cyber-attacks.  This is reinforced by coverage being available for cyber buybacks of traditional marine insurance, e.g. to ships, but those same conditions do not apply to the enterprise or head office. Traditionally, cyber cover (where available) has to be bought separately and business interruption cover and shoreside cover is not available.

This creates gaps in coverage and significant uncertainty. Shipowners / ports operators run integrated businesses why does their insurance not reflect that?

This is why the AstaaraCyber product is so important and remains unrivalled in terms of the protection it provides. AstaaraCyber, covers extends to all of your business, including shoreside. It removes the gaps and removes the uncertainty.  All areas of cyber cover are in one place.

Unlike a standard marine insurance policy, Astaara undertakes a risk assessment, looking at a company’s cyber posture, and produces a Statement of Known Risk. This is a critical determinant of the client’s current insurability – if you do not know what you are insuring you should not insure it.  However, if we understand your cyber posture, maturity and ongoing investment we can close the gaps and improve your resilience to a cyber incident and your ability to recover.

Click here to read more on AstaaraCyber.

#reslienceandrecovery #Astaara #cyberinsurance #marinecyber #portscyber

  • Robert Dorey