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Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Deciphering the real story behind a press statement post-cyber attack

Some of our Dutch friends have a reference book for helping comprehend the use of English –
I Always get my Sin (way)” by Maarten H. Rijkens- key tenets of this go to the heart of communication and understanding the consequences of what is said, and most importantly how it is understood.  A snapshot as follows:

What the British sayWhat the British MeanWhat the Non-British understand
“Quite good”A bit disappointingQuite good
“I hear what you say”
I disagree and do not want to discuss

He is listening to me
“You must come for dinner”
It is not an invitation I am being polite

I will get an invitation soon

“Very interesting”

This is clearly nonsense

They are really impressed

Although this is clearly making light amusement out of the cultural nuances that ultimately bring us together in their enjoyment of them, herein lies a serious point when it comes to the communication piece of a cyber incident response.

The continuing rise and frequency of cyber incidents, which are costing the global insurance market more than $1bn in losses (2020), are caused through a blend of corporate failings and external actor.  The significant majority of claims centre around ransomware or malware which unpick the weak or under-prepared victim’s network defences, which then stretches untested or unprepared business continuity plans or employees.  This often results in media statements being deployed, using language which undermines the aim of good incident response – which is meant to allay fear, uncertainty and doubt.  Some examples taken from a blend of corporate responses over the last 12 months on this theme are…

What a company saysWhat the company might meanWhat the cyber expert hears

“Upon learning of the incident”

Luckily, IT found the breach and told me

No network monitoring
“A sophisticated attack”
We had not patched a known vulnerability

You had not patched a known vulnerability
“An immediate engagement of 3rd party experts”Immediate engagement of 3rd party experts
No useable business continuity plan deployed to use your strongest assets – your team

“The Incident is ongoing”

We have not been able to control this

There is no network segregation

“Your data is important to us”

Your data is important to us

Data exfiltrated

“We disconnected systems from the network”

We pulled the cable out of the wall socket

You turned the computer off, but your servers are still connected to the internet and the incident is ongoing

So often companies allow their reputation to be undermined through poor communication planning and poor incident response.  Whilst the above is a tongue in cheek commentary, it does demonstrate how some people perceive a cyber incident response. 
Cyber Risk Management is an enterprise activity lead from the top and involves every single element of the company.  Consider how you might improve your response planning.

Speak to the global cyber experts today – Astaara Risk Management.

  • Robert Dorey